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Using Org-mode for writing ISMRM abstracts
·5 mins
Emacs PhD Orgmode
Adaptation over automation
Running Python code on a HPC Cluster with no internet access
·4 mins
Python Hpc
It would be easier with internet access, obviously.
Computational Imaging in Research: We keep reinventing the wheel
·3 mins
In the field of Computational Imaging, Solving inverse problem is a task that every graduate student learns to do.
Nice preview of dataclasses in notebooks
·3 mins
When I am working in jupyter notebooks, I really enjoy the nice visualisation of dataframes as html table, and wish I could make other objects have pretty representation as well.
Award: 2nd Best Abstract for Reproducibility at ISMRM 2024
·1 min
What a week at ISMRM24 in Singapore !
LaTeX Equation OCR in Emacs
·2 mins
Emacs Orgmode LaTeX
Or how to type less, and read more.


Exporting Org-Roam Notes Recursively
·6 mins
Emacs Orgmode
To create nice pdf for coworkers
The first time I used Python's pattern matching
·7 mins
So Python pattern matching has been available for a while now (It landed with python 3.
Conventional Commit in Magit
·5 mins
Emacs Magit
Conventional commits are a proposal to standardize commit messages.