I am a PhD Student in the MIND and METRIC Team at Inria and Neurospin, at CEA Saclay (France), supervised by Philippe Ciuciu and Alexandre Vignaud. I am working on innovative functional MRI acquisition and reconstruction methods using compressed sensing and deep learning. I foster reproducible science and contribute to open-source software.
My résumé
- Deep Learning
- Inverse Problem
- Biomedical Imaging
- Open Source
IEEE Style#
Pierre-Antoine Comby is currently a Ph.D. student of the University Paris-Saclay, in the MIND Team (CEA/Inria), under the supervision of Dr. Philippe Ciuciu and Dr. Alexandre Vignaud. He received his M.Sc. in Signal Processing from the Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay in 2021. His research interests include signal processing, machine learning, and computational neuroscience. He is particularly interested in the development of new methods for functional MRI reconstruction, with a focus on high-resolution imaging and accelerated acquisition.
Pierre-Antoine Comby published in several international conferences, including the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). He has been a reviewer for the IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, the IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, as well as for the Magnetic Resonance in Medicine journal.
Awards & Grants#
- Best Abstract Award (ISMRM 2024)
- 2nd Place, Reproducible Research Group
- CDSN Grant (2021-2024)
- Doctoral Funding from École Normale Supérieur Paris-Saclay for challenging PhD topics.
- Normalien Élève (2017-2021)
- 4 year Funding for Graduate school as a civil servant
I have peer reviewed several submissions for the following Journals:
- IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (TMI) (Distinguished Reviewer, 2024)
- IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging (TCI)
- Magnetic Resonance in Medecine (MRM)
Conference Proceedings#
Coworkers and Collaborators#
- Dr. Philippe Ciuciu
- Dr. Alexandre Vignaud
- Dr. Emilie Chouzenoux
- Dr. Matthieu Terris
- Dr. Chaithya G. R.
- Dr. Zaineb Amor
- Marie Dogo (Supervised M.Sc. intern, Summer 2023)
- Benjamin Lapostolle (Supervised M.Sc. intern Summer 2024)
Numerical IDs#
ORCID: 0000-0001-6998-232X
GPG: 73E0 23DD 46BD EF3C 5697 C344 1B97 78EB B070 A4BF